Best Free Software Today
BitDefender RootkitUncover 1.0 Beta 1

Use BitDefender RootkitUncover to scan files and processes for rootkits and safely remove them from your system.
ImageIngester 1.5.2
ImageIngester is an application that transfers images from your camera or card to your computer.

Automatically copies images to backup folder, freshly created and named for each ingestion (e.g., "IMG_2006-02-26_17.53.55"). Automatically runs Adobe DNG Converter (optional); original raw kept in backup folder. JPEG previews and embedded raws in DNGs optional, too. Files named according to the scheme you set (e.g., MJR_20060304_1234.DNG). File modification times (even for DNGs) set to match corresponding times on card. (Modification time of file on card to the second—almost always close to, but not necessarily identical to, EXIF Date Time, Date Time Original, and Date Time Digitized.) Automatically adds metadata from a template that you choose from a convenient drop-down menu (see screen shot, below). JPEGs verified after copying (DNG Converter verifies raws). Option to have DNG Converter verify raws without converting to DNG. Choice of folder arrangements in primary folder: by date (1 level); by year and date (2 levels); and by year, month, and date (3 levels); by a name you set yourself; and by number-range. Automatically runs viewer (e.g., Adobe Bridge) after ingestion (optional). Option to start ingestion automatically when card is inserted, and eject card automatically when ingestion is completed. All errors and status messages reported on screen. See screen shot, below. Can launch automatically when camera or card mounts (set via Image Capture application or AutoPlay settings).
Lector 2.0

Tunevine Media Server Beta

-A small footprint(installer less then 1.5MB and uses less then 10mb of memory when installed.)
-Free Web Address. i.e Supports MP3, WMA and OGG formats.
-Video and Photos to come soon.
-A simple and easy to use web interface(AJAX).
-Control over who can access your media.
-Customizable using PHP, HTML, and Javascript Secure Access Control.
-Limit access to your server by username and password and/or IP
Dead Disk Doctor 1.22

Gmail Explorer v1.0

-Use the context menu to upload your files, create backups etc.
-Do not remove your uploaded files from the drafts folder into another.
-You should create backups e.g. if you want to install your operating system again.
Cable Modem Diagnostic 1.0.2

-Output level,Upstream power level
-Input level,Downstream power level
-Ping of modem Upstream frequency
-Downstream frequency Model of modem
-Downstream signal to noise ratio
-Name of config file
-Detect standby mode of modem
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