What is Webaroo?

Webaroo is a free software program and service that lets you search and browse real web pages without a connection. Webaroo servers crawl the web, analyze web pages and select the subset of pages that maximize Content Density (i.e. the most content value in the least storage size). Webaroo determines the content value based on the diversity and quality of the pages. The more diverse the set of pages, the more queries they are likely to be able to answer. The more high quality the pages, the more likely they are to contain meaningful information for users. Take an analogy from the print world. If you had to take only one book with you on a road-trip that could answer almost any query what would it be? Most likely, it would be an encyclopedia because it has such high content density. Our content density software can be focused on the whole web, or on those parts of the web having to do with a specific topic (baseball, for example). The subset of pages it selects is packaged into a "Web Pack".Users can download selected Web Packs from Webaroo servers. Users can also download their favorite web sites. Webaroo users have client software installed on their laptops and mobile devices that allows Webaroo to be smart in the way it updates the content users have downloaded. When users connect their mobile devices to the Internet, the client software checks with the server to see if there are any updates available. Different Web Packs may update at different frequencies, depending on the nature of content (e.g. news changes more frequently than, say, restaurant reviews). These updates may be incremental i.e. broken into smaller chunks and downloaded over a period of time. As new updates are downloaded, the caching system also expires old pages, so that the Web Packs do not consume more than the allotted space. The updates are also interruptible, so if the user disconnects in a hurry and later re-connects, the update will continue where it left off.
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